A Celebrity Love Story

I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of “celebrity,” from my very first crush in the 60’s on Bobby Sherman, to my current favorite—Josh Groban.

One time, in my thirties, I was waiting for someone at Logan Airport in Boston when I caught sight of Michael J. Fox being escorted through the terminal by his entourage. I was a fan, of course (those were the days of Family Ties and Back to the Future.) I was thrilled to see him right there a few feet away from me, but it surprised me that so many people were screaming his name and trying to touch him.

That seemed totally bizarre to me, and I felt a good deal of sympathy for him. In my eyes, he was “just a guy” walking through an airport, and it woke me up to a certain awareness of how celebrities are almost revered by the public, to the point of sometimes losing their true identities.

Flash forward to 2014 when I began writing fiction again. Like I mentioned above, I have a little crush on Josh Groban. Yes, I know I’m old enough to be his mother, but there is just something about him and his music that is so real and authentic! As I followed him on social media and attended some of his concerts, I found myself wondering how difficult it might be for a celebrity like him to find someone who loves him for who he is and not for what he can do for them. Part of me wanted to find someone like that for Josh, and the more I pondered this, the more the character of Ben Shepherd, the musician, came through for me.

As you read Dragonflies at Night, you’ll see that Ben is his own self, separate from Josh Groban. In fact, as I was writing, I was imagining Bens’ face and hearing his music as a beautiful cross between Jason Mraz and Josh Groban!

The next step for me was to create a character who was so strong in her own self that she would be able to see the real person underneath all the trappings of Ben’s celebrity. And that love story begins to unfold when Savannah meets Ben at a yoga retreat center in the mountains of western Massachusetts.  You can read more about Savannah (the non-celebrity who plans Celebrations for peoples’ important moments) and see a photo of what I think she looks like here.

What about you? Do you have a favorite celebrity? Have you ever met one in person (I’ll tell you about Kenny Loggins another time!)? I’d love to hear your stories!

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34 thoughts on “A Celebrity Love Story”

  1. My daughter and I truly love our “Georges” from George Jones “He Stopped Loving Her Today” to George Strait I Cross my Heart and all their songs in between! Of course we never saw George Jones in concert and thought our chances of seeing George Strait in concert was gone with his retirement! Then the summer before my daughter’s 30th birthday we found out George Strait was going to be in Foxboro and what a better way to kick off celebrating her life than seeing King George. It was a magical weekend full of family, girl time, favorite foods and seeing George Strait in concert! We did not hang out anywhere to get a glimpse of him because I truly believe he is just a man and needs to have his privacy too! Groupie from afar!

  2. No, I haven’t met a celebrity. But Ben certainly is kind to his fans. I’ve read about a lot of celebrities who are not kind, seemingly forgetting who made them popular! All celebrities could take lessons from Ben. I enjoyed having his song lyrics at the beginning of each part.

    Looking forward to hearing about Kenny Loggins.

  3. I love me some Josh Groban! I’ve see. Him in concert 3 times. We met Jim Carey years ago. My dream is to go to a book signing event next year…I’ve never been.

  4. I have not “met” Hugh Jackman, but I have seen him several time on Broadway and fell in love with him. I would want him to be like Ben – appreciative and caring for his fans and not afraid to go with his gut to tell the truth and to love Savannah unconditionally. What a man!

  5. I haven’t met a television celebrity but I have met a couple of bands while doing first aid at the concerts back in the ’80’s. I enjoyed Ben’s song lyrics at the beginning of each part.

  6. I truly loved this story. With having Ben be a famous recording star, adds a different direction to go with the story. I think we all fantasize about meeting a famous celebrity, but is it a reality. Savannah and Ben’s story, goes beyond and brings love into it. Uplifting and powerful!

  7. “Dragonflies at Night,” by Anne Marie Bennet, is more than just a love story. It’s a story about overcoming grief, the fear that arises from its confrontation, and the ability to heal with help from the most unlikely of people. In the book, a woman named Savanah experiences a horrible loss as a child due to the death of her mother. Still unable to let go as an adult, she goes on a weekend getaway where she meets a man named Ben. It’s through their relationship that she slowly begins to open up, finds the courage to cope, and realizes that the worst situations in life can be overcome with love.
    As someone who went through a similar situation, her story brought me to tears but it also made me smile as it gave me the tools to deal with my own loss. I appreciate that the author told such an unconventional love story, as it showed that love is truly a powerful feeling to help anyone move beyond the struggles that are met after losing a loved one. True love, and the support of others, can be the key to getting through life’s most difficult situations. You just have to let people into your life.
    As the book itself said, in a few lines that still resonate with me afterward, it’s that “love is not always easy, but we have each other. The love of others helps us through difficulties.” I highly recommend this book.

  8. I’ve met one celebrity which was Dee Snider from the 80s band Twisted Sister at a Halloween trade show about 10byrs ago and was shocked that he was the nicest down to earth person I had ever met!

  9. I have never met a celebrity. I remember having Tiger beat Magazine as a child and teenager. I remember the magazine had heart stickers for David Cassidy who was the heartthrob at the time of my childhood! When I was a young adult I remember telling my sister-in-law that I wanted Richard Gere for Christmas one year. She printed off a picture of Richard Gere put it in a box, wrapped it up and gave it to me for Christmas! One of the things that I found delightful about your novel is how Ben is always searching for his notebook to write lyric ideas down. And then some times Savannah would be the one to quickly retrieve the notebook for him while he was still wondering where he may have left it. I think anyone who writes songs or poetry can relate to this! I really like how you included details such as this to let the reader get to know Ben and Savannah.

  10. Dragonflies At Night is a fun and heartfelt read. I didn’t want to put it down and really didn’t want it to end. Love is the tie that binds us all together and that is what the main characters Savannah and Ben remind us all through their meeting and the development of their relationship. I highly recommend this book not only for the beautiful story, but also for the gorgeous book cover.

  11. I haven’t met too many celebrities unless you count when I met Bozo the clown playing the Grand Prize Game as a child. I love to listen to Chris Stapleton’s voice. It’s so deep and soulful.

  12. I must have grown up around the same time as you. I remember Bobby Sherman in ‘Here Comes the Brides’, wouldn’t miss it. Like Josh Groban as well.
    Can’t say I’ve met many interesting celebrities, but I did meet Billie Jean King years ago in Rochester New York. I got to watch her play tennis, just a casual fun match, but I wasn’t impressed with her as a person.
    Your book sounds like the perfect type of read for me, can’t wait to get a copy.

  13. I absolutely loved Dragonflies at Night! It resonated with me on many levels and I couldn’t put the book down. It was beautifully written and a wonderful love story.

    I have only met a couple celebrities, all singer, but understand that they’re just people. When I was in college, the school I attended offered concerts by up and coming artists. I happened to work in the gym office where they had to come to set things up. 🙂 Flash forward to my adult years, I went to a small concert in Houston and met Eddy Raven, a singer who has a Cajun country style. I got his autograph but was amazed by all the people trying to get beyond the limits set. As much as I like Eddy Raven, I didn’t understand making him uncomfortable.

  14. I am a great fan of music concerts of most sorts and one of my most memorable was Paul Simon’s Graceland Tour performed in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. And I can’t believe it, just now on the radio they are playing “Sounds of Silence” Got chills up my spine. His poetry inspires and speaks to my soul. Wish I could say I actually met him but was an avid fan close to the stage and connected through his music. Another memorable concert was the performance of Liona Boyd at the National Art Centre also in Ottawa. The concert was a surprise birthday gift which included a backstage party and actually met her. Wow these memories date me but fun to reminisce.

  15. I love dragonflies. When I see them I know that they are angels visiting us from Heaven. I feel like my Mom, Dad, and brother are watching over me.

  16. I have met a few celebrities and I don’t really have a favorite. Some meetings have been more pleasant than others though.

  17. I have a beautiful dragon fly pin that my late mother gave me. I think of her every time I wear it.

  18. I feel happy when I see dragonflies dancing in our yard. They have a beautiful movement which amazes while entertaining.

  19. I’ve never formally met a celebrity, but Jimmy Buffett waved at me. Does that count? ????

    I love music as well. I don’t have one favorite celebrity however.

  20. I Have always loved Dragonflies, every time i see them in my yard, i grab my camera for several great pictures, I have a beautiful Dragon fly neckless that my sister gave me several years ago, I Really want to read the book, it sounds so Interesting.

  21. It sounds like a very interesting book. I don’t have a favorite celebrity and I have never met one in person.

  22. I have met a few celebrities here and there. I played foosball with Evangeline Lily once! She can really get down on that game haha. Anyways, she was really down to earth and didnt want to be glorified. It was a lot of fun.

  23. I was told as a teenager that I looked like Michael J Fox. I’ve met Tony Todd, LeVar Burton, the cast of Red Dwarf, Twiggy Ramerez, Gwen Stefani, Terry Pratchett, Claudio Sanchez and many more. I love going to signings and waiting for people after a gig.

  24. I have met a few but didn’t know it. I was working at a gourmet food store and took an order from Hall and oats. I also met the man they called Jaws in James Bond movies. Both times the lady in the bakery said I must live in a cave to not know when someone famous comes in. I was just doing my job I was a single parent with 4 children. We didn’t have a tv nor furniture. We were blessed to have a roof over our heads. But I have been truly blessed with my husband of 34 years. He married me with 4 children and we now have 21 beautiful grandchildren and 1 great grandson. We are expecting new great granddaughters 1 in December and 1 in February. So The Lord has truly Blessed me. But reading is my second Love. Give me a good book and I’m a hermit till it is read.

  25. I have always known about your love of dragonflies! You have such a unique view of nature and the world around us! You inspire me and others to take the time to really see and feel things in a world that tends to move too fast. You are a blessing my dear friend!

  26. I have never met or seen a celebrity it would be quite thrilling but I am sure I wouldn’t say anything to them

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