Anne Marie Bennett Bio
Anne Marie Bennett has been writing stories and novels since the sixth grade when she was assigned to write a short story and instead turned in a 40-page novel about a little girl who stumbles on an underground cat colony. Her English teacher was so impressed, he sent it to a publisher. The publisher did not respond, but Anne Marie decided right then and there to be a Writer.
Flash forward 50 years and she is still writing stories and novels (among other things)!
Anne Marie has published several books about the intuitive process of SoulCollage®, as well as her two unique cancer journeys. Last year she released a fifty-page novella, All You Need is Love… and Lilacs, plus a young adult novel, Come As You Are. She is now focusing her creative energies on creating books and stories that are good for the soul.
These days, Anne Marie spends lots of time writing, reading, wearing bright colors, trying out scintillating varieties of dark chocolate, creating mixed media collages, working with the SoulCollage® process on her website, and traveling to new places with Jeff–her husband—as well as spending quality feline time with Louis and Seymour who grace her life with much love, joy, and laughter.
Author Photos
Access all books via Anne Marie’s Amazon Author Page
Come As You Are (Young Adult)
All You Need is Love…and Lilacs (50-page novella)
Dragonflies at Night: More Than a Love Story (women’s contemporary fiction)
Feathers in the Sand (Seahaven Sunrise Series Book 1)
Bright Side of the Road: A Spiritual Journey Through Cancer
Sunflower Spirit Workbook: 26 Ways to Stay Connected to Self, Others & Spirit While Journeying with Cancer
Through the Eyes of SoulCollage
Into the Heart of SoulCollage
Walking the Path of SoulCollage
Magical Inner Journeys: 44 Guided Imagery Scripts for SoulCollage® & Beyond
Q & A with Anne Marie Bennett
Feel free to read and quote from any of Anne Marie’s answers to any of these online interviews about the writing process in general and certain books in particular!
Interview- Dragonflies at Night + Personal Life + Her Writing Process.
Interview with author C. D’Angelo- Feathers in the Sand + Writing Process
Video Interview#1 Summer 2022
Anne Marie is interviewed live with author Jennifer Milius of the TUFfish Show. Listen in as they talk about Feathers in the Sand, how one teacher can make a difference, Anne Marie’s writing process, how to build an email list for authors, and more! The resources mentioned here are Jennifer Louden and Jessica Brody.
Video Interview #2 Autumn 2022
Author Anne Marie Bennett is interviewed live on 9/20/20. Listen in as Anne Marie shares a behind-the-scenes look at how her novel, Dragonflies at Night, came into being. Interviewer Lisa Miller asks questions about the creative process, intuition, trusting that the next step will show up for us, what happens when we get stuck and how we can get going again. Also, find out which famous celebrity inspired one of the main characters!
Permission given to use any quotes or segments of this video of Anne Marie Bennett only.
The poet I mentioned and quoted is Nita Penfold (check out her poetry books on Amazon). Please do NOT quote her poem in any format without written permission from Nita herself.
Also referenced was Jennifer Louden’s book, “Why Bother?”
Video Interview #2
Audio Interviews
17 minute interview
Conversations Live
with Cyrus Webb
on BlogTalkRadio.
60 minutes interview with Nancy Norbeck
Book Cover Images