Stories That Stir Heart & Soul ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ (Back Issues)



February 2024  Who Lives Happily Ever After? + Winter Book Give-Aways

April 2024  What Are You Wishing For + Solar Eclipse Book Give-Aways

June 2024  How Long It Takes to Write a Novel + Summer Book Give-Aways

August 2024  This Author Is Making Changes + Book Give-Aways About Change

October 2024  Sea Glass and Grief Work + Book Give-Aways About Miracles

December 2024  Favorite Library Memories + Book Give-Aways About Christmas



December 2023  A Fictional Character Who Loves Christmas + Holiday Book Give-Aways

November 2023  Music for Book Lovers + Autumn Book Give-Aways

September 2023  The Gifts of Sea Glass + Love Stories to Give-Away

August 2023  Does This Author Write Every Day? + Summery Book Give-Aways

July 2023  Do I Know the Ending Before the Beginning? + Three Book Give-Aways

June 2023  Next Steps After Writing a Book + More Book Give-Aways

May 2023  Authors That Stir MY Heart and Soul + More Book Give-Aways

April 2023  How Long It Takes to Write a Novel + Cool Book Give-Aways

March 2023  Dogs and Cats in My Novels + More Book Give-Aways

February 2023  Seahaven Sunrises and Synchronicity + Romantic Book Give-Aways

January 2023  Sea Glass Memories- How I Named My Characters + Book Give-Aways



December 2022  The Lost Art of Letter Writing + My Gifts to You

November 2022  What’s in a (New) Cover? + The Thank-Full Game

October 2022    Plotting, Pantsing, and Plantsing + Mega Fiction Give-Aways + More

September 2022 Where Do I Begin (to Write a Novel)? + Cool Fiction Give-Aways + More

August 2022   Savoring Sunrises + Whoopie Pies recipe + More Give-Aways

June 2022  How Long Does It Take to Write a Book?

May 2022  Where I Get My Ideas, Gilmore Girls Connections, Give-Aways, Stories That Stir the Soul

April 2022  Feathers in the Sand: Naming the Characters, Give-Aways, Stories That Stir the Soul

March 2022  Changing Hats from Writer to Marketer, Give-Aways, Stories That Stir the Soul

February 2022  It’s a Library Thing! Give-Aways, Stories That Stir the Soul

January 2022  Confessions of a Very Wordy Author, stories that stir the soul



December 2021  Favorite Book Dedications, suggested stories that stir the soul

November 2021  Magical Seahaven Sunrises, more give-aways +++

October 2021-Those Gilmore Girls, soul-stirring novels, new give-aways

September 2021– Permission to Rest, soul-stirring novel recommendation, new give-aways

August 2021– Feathers in the Sand new novel update, soul-stirring novel recommendation, new give-away

July 2021– I Read the Whole Thing, soul-stirring novel recommendation, new give-away

June 2021– Draft One is Done, soul-stirring novel recommendation, give-aways

May 2021– Tiny Steps for a Long Journey, soul-stirring novel recommendation, give-aways

April 2021– Meet the Characters: Young Eva, soul-stirring novel recommendation, love story give-away

March 9, 2021– New novel update, giveaway winners + soul-stirring novel recommendation

February 9, 2021– Meet Aunt Kit (named after Katharine Hepburn), a huge supporting character in my new novel, + soul-stirring book recommendation

January 12, 2021– Meet Jasper (who wears many hats), a supporting character in my new novel + soul-stirring fiction recommendation



December 8, 2020– Update on new novel + soul-stirring fiction recommendation

December 1, 2020- See our newsletter’s new banner + Dragonflies at Night on Sale

November 17, 2020– Vote on our Newsletter’s New Banner

October 26, 2020 – A Seaside Retreat, New Novel on the Way, Stories That Stir the Soul

September 8, 2020– How the Title Dragonflies at Night Came To Be (It’s Not What You Think 🙂

August 25, 2020- What Author Jodi Picoult and I Have in Common

August 11, 2020– Celebrities, Celebrations, and a Very Special Cemetery

June 30, 2020- Dragonflies at Night: Meet the Romantic Leads

June 16, 2020– What People Are Saying About Love and Lilacs

May 30, 2020– Summer Reading List + Dragonflies at Night Update

May 12, 2020– All About The Love… and the Lilacs (Novella)

April 25, 2020Dragonflies at Night Gets a New Tagline

March 28, 2020– Sneak Peak: Dragonflies at Night Book Cover