Staring Into Space

Okay, I admit it. I laughed out loud when I saw this meme, but the fact of the matter is that there is SO much truth to this. In fact, I’ve just been staring off into space for the last several minutes, putting words and thoughts together to write this blog post!

During that in-between space when one book (Feathers in the Sand) is complete, and the next one (Sea Glass Memories) is still on the metaphorical back burner, I’ve been doing a lot of staring into spaceā€”letting the characters begin to take up space in my imagination and tell me their stories.

Sometimes this involves literal staring-into-space; sometimes the inner wandering happens when I’m reading or separating the laundry, taking a walk, running a bath.

It’s ALL part of a writer’s “work.” It’s all part of the creative process.



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