It just occurred to me that some of you might not know that there’s a whole lotta FREE stuff going on right here on, for those who love to read (and I know
that’s YOU!)
Check out this page here for:
* my 50-page novella, All You Need is Love..and Lilacs
* the first 3 chapters of Dragonflies at Night
* a special guided imagery recording
* the first 5 chapters of Sunflower Spirit
* and all back issues of my author newsletter
But wait! There’s even more!
Visit THIS page for these Dragonflies at Night gifts:
* a few long deleted scenes (if you love Andi & Brando, you’ll get to see how their romance actually began!)
* Ben & Savannah’s playlist of love songs
* Videos and travel guide to some of the locations in the story, including Kripalu, Tanglewood, and
Chocolate Springs (all in the Berkshires of Western MA, and Salem (in eastern Massachusetts)
Let me know, in the comments below, or via email, what your favorite gift is. I am always happy to hear from you!