Class 1- January 18, 2014
To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.
To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.
But to journey and be transformed by the journey, that is to be a Pilgrim.
SoulCollage® Cards:
Looking Backwards After the Journey is Over:

SoulCollage® Cards:
Beginning the Journey- Feelings:

I believe illness is a great teacher. It’s really like a healer’s training.
It’s a wonderful teacher if you can surrender and open to it. — Ondrea Levine
Class 2- January 25, 2014
The current of life requires us to stand up, again and again, and we are not defeated when we are worn down, just exposed anew at a deeper level. We are meant to live between the two.
Sit quietly and bring to mind a time when you stood up to something you had to face.
Breathe deeply and consider in what way the experience wore you down.
Center yourself and name, if you can, how this standing up and wearing down changed you.— Mark Nepo

One moment’s
of everything.
That is better
than a thousand years
of piety.— Anthony de Mello
Class 3- February 1, 2014

- Stay Away

You can read Anne Marie’s “Creating with Cancer” columns for Creativity Portal here.
The first essay is at the top, and if you scroll down, you can see links to the several others. There are more detailed stories about and journaling from some of the cards I’ve shared with you here!
Reclaim your identity!
Remember that before you were a mother,daughter, grandmother, teacher,
wife, artist, or corporate executive…
Before you were overweight, a recovering addict,
or a patient in a hospital,
you were a powerful, spiritual being of light
and that is who you shall be forever more.
Remind yourself of this daily…
hourly, if necessary…
and your life will transform
in powerful, positive ways.—adapted from poem in The Little Book of Light, by Mikaela Jones