Welcome to My Desk!

I say desk, singular, but in fact, I have two writing desks. This is just a piece of one of them. I know, I’m very lucky. No, make that blessed!

But right now I’m writing this while sitting on the sofa in our family room, with one lazy gray cat named Louis sprawled all over my legs. Continue reading →

Rising from the Nautilus

scunknown12345I am the one who was covered up with my illness and now I am free from it.Ā 

I am the one who is naked and free and open to life.Ā 

I am the one who rises out of the Nautilus Shell and its many inner chambers.

I am the one in active movement, saying a joyous YES to life! Continue reading →

The Cancer Games – Part 2- Honoring Our Grief

hunger games rueIn the film The Hunger Games, based on the book by Suzanne Collins, there is a very tender scene afterĀ  one of the younger tributes (Rue) is fatally injured.Ā  Katniss, our 17 year old heroine, has formed an alliance with her and is devastated by her death.

Even though she is fighting for her own survival, Katniss takes the time and energy to honor her loss, and to honor Rue.Ā  Continue reading →

The Cancer Games

hunger gamesOk, so I finally rented The Hunger Games and watched it this week, with equal amounts of fascination and horror.Ā  I was fascinated with the amount of creative endeavor that went into the writing of the book and then the masterpiece of a movie.Ā  I was horrified with what was expected of those 24 young people! Continue reading →

CT Scans and Such

Last week I faced my first CT scan after I’d finished with chemo and all surgeries.Ā  My oncologist suggests I have one of these every year from now on, just in my chest area, to be sure nothing cancerous is growing there.Ā  It sounded sensible enough in November, when I visited him for my 10 month check-up after the final chemo (which was in January).Ā  Continue reading →

Good Days vs Bad Days


One thing I’ve learned via this second Cancer Journey is that there’s no such thing as a BAD day.Ā  Here’s something I wrote in my journal when I was going through chemo in 2012:

I am so tempted to say that yesterday was a BAD day. But there is something inside of me that resists that word. Continue reading →

The Art of Cancer

I originally made this SoulCollageĀ® card in the spring of 2011, just a few months before my diagnosis of secondary angiosarcoma of my left breast (NOT breast cancer).Ā  I wasn’t sure what she was saying to me, but the energy of the card felt strong and protective to me.

That July, when I found out I was going to haveĀ  a mastectomy, I happened to draw this card in one of the short readings I do with my cards every other day. Continue reading →

A Lesson in Surrender

It seems that my inner guides and teachers are nudging me towards lesson upon lesson in surrender. I am getting the sense that surrender isn’t just letting go of a situation or someone who needs help. It is letting go into the hands of Another.

For example, last summer, there was a black and white tuxedo cat who had been hanging out on our porch since my beloved 18 year old Sasha died.Ā  Continue reading →