$25 Gift Card Give-Away

Good news!

I’m giving away TWO
$25 Barnes and Noble gift cards
and you could receive 1 of them.

How to enter the random drawing to win one of the gift cards:

1. Read my 50 page novella, All You Need is Love…and Lilacs. If you don’t have your free copy yet, you can click on the next line to download it FREE.
All You Need is Love and Lilacs by Anne Marie Bennett Final.doc

2. Then just leave a review on Amazon. It can be any kind of review. It does not have to be five stars; it just needs to be honest and from your heart even if you didn’t like it. IF YOU NEED DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO LEAVE A REVIEW ON AMAZON, CLICK HERE…. It’s so easy!

3. *** VERY IMPORTANT*** Message me on Facebook or use the Contact button above to email me to let me know you left the review. ALSO… let me know what your ID on Amazon is if it’s not your name. If you have already left a review, your name is automatically entered.  If you already left a review, I have thanked you and sent you virtual hugs, and you WILL be entered in the random drawing for the gift card give-away.

4. You will get one additional entry if you also leave a review on GoodReads (but you have to message or email me or use the Contact button above to let me know you did this!)..

4. I will use random.org on June 25, 2020 to choose the two lucky winners and will mail each winner a physical gift card for $25 for Barnes and Noble. With permission, winners will be posted on my Facebook Author page as well as in my free newsletter, Inky Blessings. If the winner is from outside of the United States, I will send an E-gift card instead.

Remember, you absolutely have to message or email me to let me know that you left the review… Especially if your name is not on the Amazon account.

Thank you for participating!

What’s so important about reviews anyway?

Good question! And one I’m learning more about day by day on my Author Journey. 

The bottom line is that the more reviews a book has on Amazon, the more credible the author becomes, and the more potential readers will be likely to click on her other books and read them.


Think about it. Have you ever been scanning through books (or anything, really) on Amazon, trying to decide which one to choose? Chances are, your eyes wander to how many reviews each item has gotten, and you base your decision on that.

So here I am, an author fairly new to the Women’s Fiction genre. My novel, Dragonflies at Night: More Than a Love Story is soaring onto Amazon on 9/22/20. Have people heard of me the way they’ve heard of, say, Jodi Picoult or Elizabeth Berg? No way. So what are the chances they will take a chance on an unknown? Not too great. UNLESS they see that another of my Women’s Fiction books has been successful.

Which is where YOU come in.

If you’ve read All You Need is Love…and Lilacs (hey, it’s only 50 pages AND it’s free!), please help a new novelist out by hopping over to Amazon (link below) and sharing your opinion.

All reviews (including the 7 that are already there) will be entered to win 1 of 2 Barnes and Noble gift cards, worth $25 each.


My goal is to get 50+ reviews on Amazon of my novella
“All You Need is Love… and Lilacs” in the next two weeks.